here's how it works. officially:

- Grab your offical RFG blackboard Trackstand Twister spinner and chalk and write down that game’s tricks on it.
- Everybody starts together in regular trackstance; either seated or standing up, with both hands on the handlebars.
- After 2 minutes, or when someone falls, someone who’s not playing spins the spinner and calls the next stance. Everybody now has to switch to the called position and stay in it until the next spin.
- If nobody falls for 2 minutes, the spinner will be spun again, and again if needed.
- The first one to fall down or put a foot on the floor gets one point behind his or her name, the second is awarded 2, the third 3, etc. So if you are playing with ten people, the winner will receive 10 points.
- Whenever a competitor falls, he or she is next in line to spin.
- Last one standing is the winner of the game.
- Points from each game you play will be added to your overall Trackstandings on the RFG website.
- The overall Trackstand Twister Competition will be held every Friday until the end of 2009, plus some extra dates on alley-cat days, film-nights and such.
Foot through Frame
One Foot on Frontwheel
Two Feet on Frontwheel a.k.a. Not-the-Careca
Shirt Off / Shirt On
Ad Fundum a.k.a. Atte a.k.a. Kill-a-Beer (not to be confused with Kill-a-Bear)*
Steigerwiel Ronddraai a.k.a. Pop-Up Frontwheel and Spin it
Skin Up a.k.a. Jointje Bouwen / Sjekkie Draaien
Dance a.k.a. Hop Yer Bike 10 times
etc, etc. I bet you can think of quite a few dope ones too!"
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