if someone were to ask me what fixed freestyle is today, my answer would be matt reyes. it's a no brainer. there's a reason why he got first place and pretty much had the most pictures out of all the riders- dude is consistent and hit everything hard. check out the rest after the jump!

there's a reason why matt is where he's at- he can thread every trick he does into a long elaborate line that cant be duplicated by anyone but himself. and nothing is really half assed- when he's in the air, he's tweaked HARD, when he does tuck no's, his nose can pretty much get tire burn, when he's boosting off something, he's tucked. there's no other rider that can do that so efficiently.

after the announcement that he had won, he got a cooler of water dumped on him and was lifted up by congo. i didnt even see that happening. anyway, congrats to matt on the victory!
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