two days ago i have fallen victim to the bic pen lock pick. luckily my lock held up- but i was bummed sooooo much. this meant 1) someone was after my sh*t. and 2) i couldnt ride my bike. so yesterday i got off my ass and walked downtown in search of a new lock. but what i found sort of disturbed me. went to cyclesport: all giant (the bike brand, not the size) locks. went to north rim: all trek locks. went to campus bikes: kryptonite and onguards, but not the heavy duty ones. my shop, bike and board: all knox locks (generic? hmmm). pullins cyclery had the only evo mini u lock. but much to my dismay it was almost $70. woah man... im not about to buy a lock that costs more than my bike's fork, chain, and cog combined. that would probably be my most expensive piece.... shooots.
im debating over whether i should buy the obey messenger bag:

it straight up looks like a chrome messenger, but it isnt. now if i did i would have to get rid of the bag i had bought a few months ago. that would be easy- ill just give it to my cousin who is kinda looking for a messenger bag like that. positives: looks ridiculous, comes with laptop sleve, pretty roomy. negatives: questionable waterproofing, sketchy strap, looks too much like the chrome messenger, i cant draw stupid sh*t on it (i like to draw stupid sh*t on everything). feh. im over it.
so apparently someone wants my wheelset- i put it on chico fixed, but am surprised someone wants it. so if i do the math- the lowest ill let it go would be 140. a weinmann dp18 wheelset runs about 165 on ebay. so that would mean $25 out my pocket. then ill need a cog and lockring which would run me $35- $40. hmmm tempting. so im looking around up to 60-65 out of my pocket, which isnt that bad.
i have 2 more weeks left in chico. next week it's my birthday. woop woop.

im debating over whether i should buy the obey messenger bag:

it straight up looks like a chrome messenger, but it isnt. now if i did i would have to get rid of the bag i had bought a few months ago. that would be easy- ill just give it to my cousin who is kinda looking for a messenger bag like that. positives: looks ridiculous, comes with laptop sleve, pretty roomy. negatives: questionable waterproofing, sketchy strap, looks too much like the chrome messenger, i cant draw stupid sh*t on it (i like to draw stupid sh*t on everything). feh. im over it.
so apparently someone wants my wheelset- i put it on chico fixed, but am surprised someone wants it. so if i do the math- the lowest ill let it go would be 140. a weinmann dp18 wheelset runs about 165 on ebay. so that would mean $25 out my pocket. then ill need a cog and lockring which would run me $35- $40. hmmm tempting. so im looking around up to 60-65 out of my pocket, which isnt that bad.
i have 2 more weeks left in chico. next week it's my birthday. woop woop.

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