i kinda announced this yesterday, but let's make it official. i was commissioned by threadless to throw a little post up for their new bike collection of tees, and bags. we're going to be doing a little week long contest/giveaway thing to celebrate the new line. i had a little epiphany on the bike ride to school today on what the rules would be:
1) visit the threadless bike collection, choose your favorite product.
2) comment on this post what your favorite product is.
3) with the comment, have a HAIKU ABOUT WHY YOU LIKE BIKES! yeah, buddy. 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables.
this contest closes april 4th (whatever time i feel like) PST, so GET TO IT!
2) Don't Door Me shirt
3) Walking is too slow
Car traffic produces rage
Riding keeps me sane
Infinity MPG Tee
Ride the pain away
Dancing through the traffic quick
so simple and free
I love the "Liquid Shot" Laptop case!
"Why I love bikes" by Kati J
every one distinct
you can't catch me i'm too fast
joyful tears from speed
the "don't door me" messenger bag is tight. i live and ride in Vancouver so i'm well acquainted with jackass drivers.
I thought the Don't Door Me idea was fun, but the people who are looking in their mirrors before they open their doors aren't the problem. The Fix Yourself a Fixie is great commentary on the rampant rise of the fixed gear and how cookie cutter they've become, but you know, only if you take it that seriously.
Oh, little track bike
Impractical you may be
But damn are you fun
speed glorious speed
sweet indulgent wind through hair
i want to go fast
Ride or die is my fav.
Cleaning my drivetrain.
I got grease all over my shirt.
Give me a new shirt.
Ride or die.....
i am the fastest
speed keeps me saner than sane
fixed gear is to blame
Infinity MPG...
When you ride the EL
Sweaty necks up in your face
Biking is a breeze
Bolt ... cuz i already have Infinity MPG
Swear runs down my brow,
candace is unbelievable,
just another ride.
Don't Door Me Messenger bag
Riding track is fun
but street cruising is better
Sup'n sqrrls all day
ride or die
Four am, Racing
Through silent streets, I can feel
Serenity grow.
i love the don't door me shirt!
bike in hawaii
ride to the beach everyday
chain gets rusty fast
i ride it to go
go anywhere to ride it
ride on, my saviour
Holy Roller!
Fire in my legs
Snow glued in my SPD
Fly like a bee
love you my bike
everything goes away with you
anywhere, always, everyday, now
Bicycles in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear Messenger Bagholy shit the hillfrom hell is outside my doorconquer it daily
Don't Door Me Bag
I can't ride my girl
So I ride my bicycle
Uh, don't door me bro
Bolt Shirt
Sunglasses, sunscreen
Riding through California:
Lets go to the beach
biking is my way,
to escape, like the cold air.
Bicycles in Mirror are Closer Than
powered by my legs
Gets me where I need to go
burns calories fast
Missing ..it's funny!
I had a red bike
Only ever road it down hill
what are pedals for?
take out "it"...
I had a red bike
Only ever road down hill
what are pedals for?
Green Means Go!
gathering some speed
see that yellow coming up
damn i hate red lights
Holly Roller
Do not drink and Driveyou will obtain a DUIPedal home safe
Fly Fast Forever - lovely colour subtle design.
ride winding roads home
sunset teases the clouds with
recycled colours
My favorite is the Infinity MPG tee shirt!
Bikes are really great
They are good for Mother Earth
They keep you fit, too!
Animals With Eyepatches! Yes! Messenger bag
Messenger in need
Cute animals indeed
bikes pets all i need
The "Bolt" t-shirt is my fav.
Bike rides are always
Empowering my future
Inspiring hope
Mapped Out
the asphalt rhythm
treading swiftly through the streets
like my pounding heart.
Ninja Rider
I ride with the wind
circumstantial insect air
this bike is my lungs
Product- Ride or Die threadless zip hoodie
This is why we ride
For the love of the get go
I am not alone
Bicycles in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear by Justin Bawinkel messenger bag.
telling jokes and spinning spokes (from the trafik documentary)
Going fast no rules
double aerospokes, for fools
Can't leave without tools
By Cezar Lapid
ride or die / fly free
Cyclist writes screenplay
plot features bike lane drama
how pedestrian
+found in Tribeca+
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