(via veloorange)
often misnamed as a "roller bearing" headset, the needle bearing headset is an alternative to classic roller ball bearing headsets- they last phenomenally longer than the standard, and prevents the issue of indexing where pitting occurs when ball bearing races. in addition to that, by using a flat surface over a universal surface (like a ball in this case), it also minimizes fork shimmy.

and if youre going for some detail work, velo orange has these knurled headset spacers. personally they remind me of some old school camera lens focus rings. and yes, the black ones have a silver trim (that's some crazy detail).
I researched bearing types and learned that long thin bearings are "needles", while shorter thicker bearing, of the type used in headsets, are "rollers". I'd always called them needle-bearings until I read that.
thanks for the clarification duder! and great stuff by the way. i may have to get me some of those knurled spacers!
Suddenly it is looking like a tapered roller ball bearing.
Which type of inner materials is used here for the needle bearing?
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