re posted because i want it back on the top again for a minute. buckle down because i have a story to tell you. one random day, i woke up with a text from my good buddy kenny arimoto AKA deadwood. we had a really long conversation about the fixed freestyle scene. i'm not going to get in depth with it but we saw negatives and positives in the sport. one thing was for sure though, the kids were hungry. we found that there was a really big void between the superstars and the kids who rode every day- to change that, kenny thought up of the "MAN UP!" competition. no invites, no entry fee, no restrictions, just run what ya brung, and kill it. pros will be on the same level as the kid that rides the block every day, it's going to be a free for all frenzy. i will personally be there and have a hand in coordinating this, as well as our fam at destroy and chrome.
join up on event facebook page!
end the summer right. be there.
ps. we're still looking for more sponsors, so shoot me an email if you're interested!
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