
Thursday, May 31, 2012

the drop: SKYLMT SL-1 now available

(via SKYLMT)
there arent that many frames that i would go 26" for. this one however, is one i would. this past monday, i made my way to the SJF memorial day bbq where i got to ride matt montoya's SL-1. first thing i noticed was how light it was compared to it's competition. that's because it's made of supertherm steel over normal 4130. then there's the geo which didnt feel forced- it actually felt a lot like my destroy 29er. it was easy to push and felt like it had good control when boosted. matt's ride was a small and i didn't feel big at all over it (i'm a little dude though, so that may be a factor).

tested by many, proven a winner, the SL-1 is now available in one color and one size (so far). go buy one. now.


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