
Friday, September 2, 2011

message received: superb sprint

(via superb)
pedal consumption reminds me that i really need to throw superb on my RSS reader. to refresh your memory, superb is a bike shop based out of boston that specializes in street track bikes. this is their entry into theframe market- the superb sprint. it ways about the same as the mashinelli, yet sports a steel lugged fork! WIN WIN WIN. i want to see this built really badly...



trean said...

Dayummm, very 'dale track 92. Love it

bhsk said...

i know that john prolly kinda had an issue with the '92- it being an almost 20 year old bike with 20 year old aluminum sooooo hey if people are making similar ones with new aluminum i'm game! why do you think i loved the pelizzoli so much?

thanks for the comment mang.