(via leader)
this is the 2010 leader 721tr. to be honest, it was a bitter sweet ride, because i'm an avid supporter of steel. however id did weigh in at 18 lbs which is wayyyy lighter than a track bike should be. however, it was straight track bike and i enjoyed riding it. that said, the 721 makes it's return. nothing has changed- but nothing really needed to change for that matter.

that is a pretty sweet looking frame. I'd be lusting after it if my Leader 721tr wasn't still running strong two years later. Steel would be super, but double wrap the bars and repeat only 175 bucks every time you hit a stiff bump and the Leader will treat you just fine.
But really, that is a very good looking frame.
oh yeah, i cant deny that when i was riding my 721. leader really turned their focus towards the fixed freestyle crowd and i think their quality has come up a little bit. this years reiteration is great.
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