
Thursday, August 27, 2009

reload's frontier collection: waxed canvas backpack

ive been a fan of REload bags since wayyyyy before they changed up their website. i love how theyre hand made, customized and run independently even though they know how to mass produce their bags. their quality is un paralleled (USA! FOR THE WIN!), and if i had my way, i'd be running a REload (but i'm broke, you hear me REload? sponsor an amateur blogger/longtime fan or whaaaat? one can only wish). anyway, REload just released  photos of their frontier collection which will involve classic waxed canvas. forget cordura and vinyl, it's all about kicking it old school. and just in time for school:

REload is making backpacks (well technically, theyre called knapsacks)! siiiick. and you know that REload stands behind their bags in the quality department. looking forward to seeing these suckers on the streets.



Anonymous said...

When are these babies out, I want to adopt

bhsk said...

with they would make a second run with messenger bags utilizing waxed canvas...
